Comunicação Modbus entre Arduino Leonardo e E3

Boa tarde pessoal

Gostaria de uma ajuda

Estou tentando comunicar o Arduino Leonardo com o Elipse E3, através de Modbus RTU, porem não estou tendo sucesso.

a principio é uma aplicação bem simples, apenas para trocar informações entre um led e botão com o E3, para depois realmente montar o projeto.

Estou seguindo esse KB com o programa do arduino sugerido nele

Já tentei umas 3 bibliotecas Modbus diferentes do Arduino mais ainda não consegui estabelecer a comunicação.

Uso o driver Modbus.dll no E3

Eu consigo descarregar programas normalmente pelo Arduino.
Uso um cabo USB / Micro USB entre o pc e o Arduino.

Deixo o E3 e o Arduino ma mesma COM e qnd abro a aplicação o E3, o led Rx da placa do Arduino chega ficar piscando (pelo que percebi, de acordo do valor do TimeOut configurado do E3), porem o Tx não pisca, e os valores das tags do E3 ficam sempre nulos.

Quando uso o simulador Modbus Simulator Demo, e ajusto a configuração, porem através do Modbus TCP, eu consigo fazer a aplicação estabelecer a comunicação com o simulador e receber/enviar valores para as tags

Não sei se é o driver, a bliblioteca, o programa… pois ja tentei o que eu sabia

Se alguem puder me ajudar fico agradecido

o Log gerado pelo E3 é esse:

07/11/2020 13:08:52.718 (257C) DRIVER Driver name: Driver Modicon Modbus v4.0.4 (IOKitLib v2.0.117)
07/11/2020 13:08:52.718 (257C) DRIVER IOKitLib version 2.0.117 of Jun 22 2020 13:13:55
07/11/2020 13:08:52.718 (257C) DEBUG CModbusHost CREATED
07/11/2020 13:08:52.718 (257C) DRIVER Selected RTU mode!
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER User Types file compiled successfully!
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER drvStartComm(0,0,0,0)
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER Current configuration (78 parameters):
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP2 = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.BackupIP3 = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.IPFilter = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.ListenIP = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainIP = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.719 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.MainPort = 502
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTimeoutMs = 4000
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.PingTries = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Ethernet.Transport = ‘TCP’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.GiveUpTries = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Enable = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Log.Filename = ‘C:\eeLogs\Modbus_%DATE%.log’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.RAS.ATCommand = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverEnable = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.RecoverPeriodSec = 20
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Baudrate = 9600
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.DataBits = 8
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.InterframeDelayMs = 200
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Serial.Port = 43
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.ModemID = 4294967295
07/11/2020 13:08:52.720 (257C) DRIVER - IO.TAPI.PhoneNumber = ‘’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - IO.TimeoutMs = 1000
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - IO.Type = ‘Serial’
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.ConfigFile = '[Functions]
Function: 1
Read: 3
Write: 16
Type: word
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 2
Read: 3
Write: 16
Type: dword
Size: 4
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 3
Read: 3
Write: 16
Type: int16
Size: 2
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 4
Read: 3
Write: 16
Type: int32
Size: 4
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 5
Read: 3
Write: 16
Type: float
Size: 4
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 6
Read: 1
Write: 15
Type: bit
Size: 0
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 7
Read: 2
Write: 0
Type: bit
Size: 0
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0
Function: 8
Read: 1
Write: 5
Type: bit
Size: 0
FrameOrder: 0
ByteOrder: 0
WordOrder: 0
DWordOrder: 0

07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.DefaultSlaveAddress = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.EnableGenSOERegGrouping = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.MaxPDUSize = 253
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.Olderaddr = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.UserTypesConfigFile = '// USER DEFINED TYPES SAMPLE CONFIG FILE

// The samples below illustrate how to create user defined structs, using the driver built-in types (note the built-in
// types must be entered with the same keywords used in the Data combobox of the operations).
// The new user types can afterwards be used in the same way as the other built-in types in the Data combobox.

/* Sample types entirely commented by default

struct TYPE1 // TYPE 1 - declares struct with elements with no name, and no timestamp

// TYPE2 declares named elements, and includes a timestamp of GenTime type. The named elements can then be
// loaded to the user application using E3 Tag Browser.

// NOTE: the timestamp value will not be returned on a block element, but rather returned on the timestamp property
// of the block type tag. The order in which the timestamp appears within the structure is related to the order
// in which this field appears within the data area of the received protocol frame (usually the first field).

struct TYPE2
timestamp = GenTime; // this time field will be returned in the block’s timestamp field
GenTime timeField; // this time field will be returned in the block’s first element
dword dwordField;

struct TYPE3 // this type has a timestamp of type UTC32 and some named elements
DefaultAddress = 0x101;
timestamp = UTC32;
float Va;
float Vb;
float Vc;
float Ia;
float Ib;
float Ic;


07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - ModiconModbus.WaitSilenceOnError = 1
07/11/2020 13:08:52.721 (257C) DRIVER - 47 parameters with value = 0 were omitted
07/11/2020 13:08:52.746 (11E4) IOKIT INITIALIZING…
07/11/2020 13:08:52.746 (11E4) IOKIT INITIALIZED!
07/11/2020 13:08:52.746 (11E4) IOKIT Request handler enabled
07/11/2020 13:08:52.747 (11E4) IOKIT CONNECTING…
07/11/2020 13:08:52.748 (11E4) SERIAL Opening COM43:9600,8,NONE,1 …
07/11/2020 13:08:52.784 (257C) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/11/2020 13:08:52.784 (257C) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:2) (x1,00000001)
07/11/2020 13:08:52.784 (257C) SUPERBLOCK Linear(1:2).Unnormalize = Tag(
07/11/2020 13:08:52.844 (11E4) SERIAL Port opened!
07/11/2020 13:08:52.844 (11E4) SERIAL Timeouts: Fixed=1000ms ByteMultiplier=2ms MaxInterval=0ms
07/11/2020 13:08:52.844 (11E4) IOKIT CONNECTED!
07/11/2020 13:08:52.849 (11E4) IO TX: 01 03 00 01 00 01 D5 CA
07/11/2020 13:08:53.851 (11E4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/11/2020 13:08:53.851 (257C) TAG <== (1.066) Tag([1]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/11/2020 13:08:53.851 (257C) TAG Tag( = SUCCESS (type=10;flags=9)
07/11/2020 13:08:53.851 (257C) SUPERBLOCK Tag( = Linear(1:7) (x1,00000001)
07/11/2020 13:08:53.852 (11E4) IO TX: 01 03 00 01 00 06 94 08
07/11/2020 13:08:54.854 (11E4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/11/2020 13:08:54.854 (257C) TAG <== (1.003) Tag([6]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/11/2020 13:08:54.854 (11E4) IO TX: 01 03 00 01 00 06 94 08
07/11/2020 13:08:55.857 (11E4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/11/2020 13:08:55.857 (257C) TAG <== (1.003) Tag([6]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/11/2020 13:08:55.858 (11E4) IO TX: 01 03 00 01 00 06 94 08
07/11/2020 13:08:56.860 (11E4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/11/2020 13:08:56.860 (257C) TAG <== (1.003) Tag([6]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/11/2020 13:08:56.860 (11E4) IO TX: 01 03 00 01 00 06 94 08
07/11/2020 13:08:57.862 (11E4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/11/2020 13:08:57.862 (257C) TAG <== (1.002) Tag([6]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/11/2020 13:08:57.862 (11E4) IO TX: 01 03 00 01 00 06 94 08
07/11/2020 13:08:58.864 (11E4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/11/2020 13:08:58.864 (257C) TAG <== (1.002) Tag([6]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/11/2020 13:08:58.865 (11E4) IO TX: 01 03 00 01 00 06 94 08
07/11/2020 13:08:59.867 (11E4) IO RX: TIMEOUT
07/11/2020 13:08:59.867 (257C) TAG <== (1.003) Tag([6]).ReadBlock = ERROR (hr=8004E000)
07/11/2020 13:14:41.130 (257C) DRIVER drvStopComm(0,0,0,0)
07/11/2020 13:14:41.130 (257C) IOKIT Stopping physical layer thread…
07/11/2020 13:14:41.130 (257C) IOKIT Waiting for termination of physical layer thread…
07/11/2020 13:14:41.168 (11E4) SERIAL Port closed!
07/11/2020 13:14:41.170 (11E4) IOKIT Request handler disabled
07/11/2020 13:14:41.170 (11E4) IOKIT Request handler enabled
07/11/2020 13:14:41.170 (11E4) IOKIT TERMINATING…
07/11/2020 13:14:41.170 (11E4) IOKIT TERMINATED! (0 bytes sent, 0 bytes received)
07/11/2020 13:14:41.170 (11E4) IOKIT Request handler disabled
07/11/2020 13:14:41.170 (257C) IOKIT Physical layer thread stopped!
07/11/2020 13:14:41.170 (257C) DEBUG CModbusHost DELETED

Você deve esta com problema na ligação do conversor modbus RTU (Max485 Conversor Ttl Rs485).
Já fiz esta experiência e tive problema na ligaçao do conversor(rs232 para rs485 ).